THE CERTIFICATION as a dog-friendly venue
Together with industry experts, we have created an elaborate list of criteria that, not only, expresses what overnight accommodation must offer to be ‘dog-friendly’, but also includes parameters that are extremely desirable – but not absolutely necessary. The paws replace stars in the well known star rating system and depending on the extent of the services available, certifications from one to five paws are awarded. Holiday-makers can decide what factors are important to them when travelling with their furry friends, and also which pleasantries they can even do without.
There are many websites that recommend accommodation as being particularly ‘dog-friendly’. But what does ‘dog-friendly’ really mean, and how do these ratings actually come about? As part of our certification process, we at Pfotencheck personally check every single property.
At Pfotencheck, our scouts – professional dog trainers and dog lovers – take a close look at every property to ensure the comfort for two- and four-legged friends while getting a firsthand feel of the place and discovering what your prized pooch can expect there. We rate each property from one to five paws based on ist dog friendliness. In the table below, you’ll find a breakdown of the amenities a hotel needs to provide in order to proudly earn their paws:
Welcome treats, drinking and feeding bowls, dog blankets, poo bags and more!

In addition to these must-haves, which every hotel is required to offer for its individual number of paws, many properties have extra advantages for guests and their four-legged friends, dog care or a walking service, air conditioning in the room, veterinarian information at the reception, food service and much more. In order to give a perfect overview of all the services offered, we present each individual hotel page with the corresponding icons. Everyone can find the perfect place for their next holiday!
Were you a guest in a hotel that should not be missing from our list? Then recommend your favourite accommodation here!
Or if you would you like to become part of the Pfotencheck family with your dog-friendly accommodation? Then click here!